> 春节2024 > 你不是回家过年了吗英语





We don\'t celebrate Christmas, as it is a Western holiday. Instead, we celebrate the Spring Festival.

你们过春节吗? 英语怎么说 - 花园小姐姐 的回答

Do you celebrate the Spring Festival? Do you celebrate the Chinese New Year? Do you celebrate the Spring Festival?春节前。


The English translation for春节 Spring Festival is \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year\". It is a proper noun, so the first letter should be capitalized. You can also use \"the Spring Festival\" before the term春节.


The English translation for the sentence \"I never forget when we had a holiday\" is correct. Did you ask him when he goes home for Lunar New Year? 使用相同的时态来保持一致。


The English translation for \"中国人\" is \"Chinese\". \"Chinese\" can be used as both a noun and an adjective. Additionally, it refers to the language as well. Some other relevant terms include \"Chinese Taipei\" for 中国台北, \"Chinese Zodiac\" for 十二生肖.


Here are the English translations for some Chinese traditional festivals: \"Spring Festival\" for 春节, \"Mid-Autumn Festival\" for 中秋节, \"Dragon Boat Festival\" for 端午节, \"Double Seventh Festival\" for 七夕节.

为什么shandong 前面不用加the?

我来试着回答一下这个问题吧。 个人觉得这个问题应该这样理解的:shandong 是专有名词,是不能加定冠词the. 在英语里,名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词。专有名。


The English translation for the conversation is: \"What size are your shoes?\" - \"They are size eight.\" 春节后所有衣服都打折。 There\'s a sale on all clothes after the Spring Festival.


The English translation for the sentence \"Today is the second day of the Spring Festival, my mother took me to visit my maternal grandmother. My cousin...\"


The English translation for \"在这个春节你有空吗?\" is \"Are you free during this Chinese New Year?\"